Should stagger and number hit be brought back to how vermintide 1 did it, with fixed stagger and cleave for a given weapon? It would make power less dynamic and fun as it would only affect damage at that point, but it would make weapons more distinct and reliable. Swings won’t stop midswing because your power level simply stated that your attack can’t cleave as far as you would like. Also, weapons would have unique (noticeably and predictably so) hit patterns that I think would give more control to the player and help the health of the game.
I do like how axes have minor cleave now (essential, given the increased horde sizes IMO) so I am not entirely opposed to the many cleave changes done in this game, but I think it needs to be standardized. An unpredictable cleave and stagger pattern can lead to unwanted damage and frustration for the player. I don’t have a character at 600 so I don’t know if the game/cleave/stagger stats are based around 600 power heroes on champion difficulty (for example), but not knowing the “base stats” can make it difficult to predict and fight the enemy.