I recently got into Darktide and Warhammer in general, and I immediately took an interest in the Death Korps of Krieg. I was playing with some friends and saw one of them with the full set but it wasn’t in the store; he said that it might come back at some point though. It’s been a while and it hasn’t come back, and I would immediately throw my money right at the devs for the set. It would be more profitable if the store would have every item listed instead of just showing 5 or 6 skins and a bunch of random helmets at a time.
Yeah, but this way you’re on the hook, logging in every day, practically salivating at the chance to buy it.
Working as intended.
Most players agree with you that the shop should just have everything to purchase, but they’re not gonna do it any time soon. FOMO is a powerful thing.
I’ve been waiting for the original Steel Legion set to rotate back in for consoles but it still hasn’t.
Well part of it is also them pulling double duty trying to both hide the terrible reskins and the fact that they keep jacking the price up after adding literally nothing but a different texture and some face wear.
Really if people didn’t point it out with visual proof you wouldn’t even have a clue about both the reskins and the price change.
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