The main premise of this thread is that during the revamping of talents and careers for 2.0, some careers transitioned poorly for one reason or another. This thread will focus specifically on Handmaiden.
Kerillian’s other two careers, Waystalker and Shade, gained more defining talents for the kinds of careers they are. They both live up really well into the fantasies behind them. One is a Waystalker with heavy emphasis on ranged and the other is a Shade with heavy emphasis on melee, critical strikes, and stealth. They both, even if they’re not perfect, have a lot of features and talents that give them brilliant definition and make them effective. Handmaiden severely lacks these qualities.
Handmaiden is Kerillian’s tankier/supportive/defensive career that has incredible mobility and mobility options. Aside from mobility, her one other notable feature is her incredible stamina regen aura. Ariel’s Benison (Revive can’t be interrupted by damaging attacks) also has moderate usefulness, as she can be stopped still by stuns/knockbacks/block breaking. It does work though:
Her dash is the worst baseline active in the game. Pre-WoM it used to have:
- Stagger/Knockdown on horde enemies
- Bleed
Now it has neither. Even the bleed talent on the dash doesn’t give stagger:
In addition to that, Gift of Ladrielle was nerfed from 3 seconds of invisibility down to 2 seconds. 1 second of which is entirely consumed during the dash, leaving you a single second after you finish the dash to do anything.
Mobility isn’t brilliantly defining in any way because Handmaiden’s design offers nothing else that gives her strong definition. Having the ability to move around a lot offers little on its own. The rest of Handmaiden’s talents are simply stat-stacking choices. Even when you do that, she does nothing well other than move. Starting from the top:
Tier 5 - THP/Healing
- WoM’s 2.0 gave her a spear & shield for a new weapon. She’s defensive/supportive and yet she was given Cleave and Killing for THP choices, rather than something like Stagger and Killing. Even her character select model is holding at least a spear, which has a massive block/push radius. It would be completely logical that she have at least Stagger instead of Cleave.
Tier 10 - Focused Spirit/Oak Stance/Asrai Grace
Focused Spirit(10% bonus power if you haven’t been damaged in the last 15 seconds) essentially replaced Eldrazor’s Precision (15% more power but 5% less attack speed). It’s a bad trade-off and not taking any kind of damage for 15 seconds for a mere 10% damage is poor design. There are many things that could easily hurt you(archers, gunners, friendly fire, etc.) in that time period and the damage bonus for that massive timer is too small.
Oak Stance is a generic 5% crit chance that sticks out like a sore thumb. What is really being offered here that helps synergize with her core concept? There should be more to it(and no, not just more crit chance).
Asrai Grace would be good if it ever worked. It has never worked and it’s been over two months. She has had one completely broken and useless talent for over two months.
I even made a post about it on August 6th. An entire week before the game even released on August 13th.
Tier 15 - Stagger Talents
Again, she’s defensive/supportive while being given a shield and she has Smiter/Mainstay as choices. Two problems here:
Why does she not have Bulwark instead of Smiter?
Mainstay is alright because you can push and attack to get your stagger damage, but the issue is she also was given Oak Stance(5% crit chance) and Power from Pain(5% crit chance for each enemy hit up to 25% on dashes). So why doesn’t she have Assassin if she’s going to have so much critical strike buildup?
Tier 20 - Willow Stance/Shadowstep/Wraith-Walk
- She has a row of speed/mobility talents. This thematically and practically fits her very well.
Tier 25 - Heart of Oak/Birch Stance/Quiver of Plenty
Heart of Oak increases her max health by 15%. What does she need the extra health for? Why doesn’t she have something more interesting or suiting? For example, a stagger talent to give her something that helps her, her allies, and helps synergize with her supporting herself and the team.
Birch Stance gives 30% more block cost reduction. Great addition.
Quiver of Plenty gives ammo for Kerillian’s one career with no ammo generator. It’s a passable talent.
Tier 30 - Gift of Ladrielle, Bladedancer, Power from Pain
Gift of Ladrielle gives her stealth for 2 seconds, a nerf from the pre-WoM 3 seconds. The stealth is alright because it allows her to make some plays and more reliably pass through enemies(although that shouldn’t require a talent).
Bladedancer is the only way to get damage on her active. Handmaiden used to have at least some damage and stagger before WoM. It still runs into a similar problem that it had pre-WoM, which is it doesn’t really do anything significant to armor and many enemies even if you do get Bladedancer.
Power from Pain gives 5% crit chance(up to 25%) for each enemy you dash through. Why does Handmaiden stack crit chance? What is it leading up to or where is the synergy with her core design or talents? It’s just more stat-stacking with no real purpose.
Giving a career like Handmaiden certain talents like crit chance/damage isn’t a bad thing, but it should make sense from a design standpoint. She plays more like an incomplete career than anything and is one of the careers that currently should receive prioritization on minor/moderate design alterations. Her blandness was exacerbated after WoM’s 2.0; particularly when shown alongside some of the other more well done talent reworks.
The only talent that changes her playstyle in a noticeable way is Wraith-Walk that allows her to dodge through enemies. An example from another career would be Kruber’s Counter-Punch: Blocking an attack removes the stamina cost of pushing for 2 seconds. She used to have a bit of “solo/power-play” design with old talents like Defiance(50% reduced damage when you’re the last player standing), but now she doesn’t even have that. I don’t advocate for the return of that talent or designs like that, but at least she had some semblance of design coherency; something she is currently lacking.