HAB DREYKO : High Shock Trooper does not spawn additonal special (update)

Issue Description:
Hab Dreyko (mission with scan) does not spawn additional special under High Intensity shock Troop condition after the first event is done (Scan around multiple floor).

I already reported it here : HAB DREYKO MAP : High Shock Trooper Gauntlet Damanation does not spawn more Specials after first event

I open this new topic in case you tried to fix thing during the “no high shock troop” period and wanted feedback on this bug. Sorry if you don’t need it !

Steps to Reproduce:
Play Hab Dreyko map with High Intensity Shock Trooper affix actives on the map.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Hab Dreyko

[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
9:00 AM GMT+1 04/24/2023

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)

Constant 100%

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
(upload://rBXVossHpPIXRDzcaq1DWJ49MVs.log) (507.6 KB)

Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]
console-2023-04-24-06.31.11-9640e621-5cee-4154-8daf-aaf8f3bfa447.log (507.6 KB)

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