GUID: 202b0bce-e5c1-4ba1-bafc-9e7684caa605
Log File:
Info Type:
Jesus Christ. Please address this for godsake
Jesus Christ. Please address this for godsake
This does not appear to be GPU-related. Please try removing your AppData:
within the search input and select ‘OK’AppData\Roaming\Fatshark
directoryPlease bear in mind this may wipe any custom options and your keybindings. Your progress will not be impacted as it’s stored on our end.
I have done that before and it has not fixed the issue. I went ahead and did it again just now and experienced another crash:
The crash data is truncated unfortunately, do you have another crash report you could pop in here?
Any updates?
Any updates?
Apologies for the delay on this - I had to spend some unplanned time out of work. Do you have any of the Razer software installed?
I do! Could that be an issue? I imagine since you mentioned it. I await your response.
new crash log:
Any updates? I do have Razer software installed
Hope you had a good weekend. Any updates? Looking to hear your thoughts on Razer software
Sorry once more for the delay, could you try disabling anything Razer you have installed on your PC, and see if the issues persist?
Uninstalling all of my Razer software seems to have worked!
For others who may have this same issue, I am still able to use my keybindings from my razer mouse