Grail Knight ability cooldown resets on second stab when Virtue of Audacity is equipped

As the topic title says:

On the stab/second attack of Blessed Blade with the Level 30 Talent Virtue of Audacity equipped, the ability cooldown is reset.
I assume that’s unintentional.

It’s very easy reproducable (probably even in the keep) by using a concentration potion and then using the ability.

It’s very easy to see because it resets about 15% or so of the cooldown bar, while under the effect of the concentration potion.
This also means you actually need about 15% longer between two ability uses.

This issue occurs consistently 100% of the time for me.

Best regards

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I assume it to be intentional since it is a second swing of the career ability.
You can cancel the first swing to retain that little bit of ability meter and using the second swing resets the meter back to 0%. Only noticeable when using the concentration potion and a non-issue when not.
Could be unintentional (therefore a bug) though we’ll only know for certain if the sharks tell us.

You can see this with other two-step active skills like Battle Wizards Burnout. They only start regenerating after the active skill is actually completed.

I’m pretty sure that ability talent works very different from Virtue of Audacity. BW can hold the ability for 10 seconds after the initial use as opposed to GK who either uses it now or doesn’t.
BW Burnout seems to work like a buff that lasts 10 seconds

I’m pretty sure it is intentional. You can see this with other two-step active skills like Battle Wizards Burnout. They only start regenerating after the active skill is actually completed.

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