GoTWF :[

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

As I see many others are experiencing. I was unable to log in during the 12/09/24 , 12/10/24 , and 12/11/24 and the gifts are simply grayed out and unclaimable

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

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Same, dunno why a few days are greyed out. The others can be claimed retroactively, too.

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there is a grace period of about 3 days only to claim the items
the other will become greyed out if not claiming in time


As mentioned above, gifts are available on the day, and for a further two days grace period after this (3 days total). Unfortunately, if a gift has not been claimed during this time then it will have been missed :frowning: sorry for any disappointment.


ah sorry i did not know that, thank you!

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