"Gloriana" Redemptors Veil for Psyker

This bug doesn’t require steps to recreate and it may be a feature (But I feel it would be an odd feature at that. All one must do is equip the veil.

The Gloriana Redemptors Veil for the Psyker Doesn’t connect to any chest pieces and simply floats behind the psykers head as if it was supposed to attach to some chest-piece we don’t have. I’m not sure if everyone has this issue but it seems as if the hood doesn’t have a neck piece to attach to, or as if it needs a full set it’s meant to match with (However when it was in the store it was sold alone as a single head piece). I wanted to know if anyone else has the issue and if not just to hopefully set the gears turning to making the cosmetic properly fit onto the character in a way that doesn’t look like it’s bugged. I’m a huge fan of the cosmetic I just wish it worked correctly.