Gifts of the Wolf Father and Patch 5.2.0 Patch Notes + Hotfixes!

That is a point I actually fully agree with. Shade isn’t a problem because of her daggers, but rather because of her ult. They should change that, and not the daggers.

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Also, those Javelins numbers O.o Outside of cleave, they are very very low. To call this a nerf is brave. This will not change anything for the spam. The Javelins will still be spammed at Cataclysm, only that the horde application is reduced.

Are you entirely ignoring they’re adding damage falloff? That’s a massive change, on top of the nerfs to the damage already.

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No, I am not. I have seen it. However, the damage falloff doesn’t take effect until mid-range. So, it will still be spammed against everything.

Okay, long-range shots across the whole pit in Festering Grounds are not possible anymore. Still not a nerf.

For the devs regarding Bot AI - iirc the second grimoire on Skittergate is inaccessible to get unless you have a bomb or ranged weapon. Also it is not worth wasting a bomb on a grimoire, mainly on higher difficulties where items are scarce. Having an ability to order a bot to shoot at the rope/whatever you’re pointing at I feel is a must.

Furthermore, the bots need to have a stay and follow command, accessible so a bot can be target thru a wall or a command typed in chat for them to stay or come. Maybe even stick with a specific character given people with both grimoires and tomes need to stay alive the most.

Going into the general following behavior of the bots - multiple times I have seen or been pounced by a Gutter Runner and if i am at a drop down, the bots will not assist be it move or shoot. This tends to happen inconsistently but when it does it can ruin a run.

Another feature the bots need, is a command targeting a bot who has a potion or medkit, and ordering them to give/apply it to a specific character. I don’t want to get handed a bomb by a bot when they have a medkit or a health potion I need instead.

Ordering bots to use their F abilities would be absolutely huge because it opens up optimal play on AI.

I know I’ve talked about commands a lot now, so how could the devs do it? Pressing and holding the tag wheel followed by the left click button should bring up a “utility” wheel. Here you could have the “come to me”, “stick with x or y character”, “defend this position”, “give potion to Bardin”. And on the right click as you hold the tag wheel, you have the combat commands such as, “use your ability Victor”, “fire at where I am pointed”, “stand ground here”.

These are just off the top of my head and I know will really bridge that gap between what the bots are now and what they CAN be.

What are some other ideas people have?

Edit: Keybinds for these bot commands would be amazing, being able give orders mid swarm would make it more fluid. This would mean you wouldn’t need the tag wheel implementation i just mentioned which is even better! Also commanding bots to pick up hidden mechanic items like gargoyle heads and torches will round them off perfectly.

The bots tend to chase specials more often and try to melee them, please take a look at this issue, because with the mentioned mod this wasnt the case, it is occuring since the mod broke.


Come on. Coru was clearly broken. Everyone knew it. This is less severe than what some of the balance mods did to it so I daresay tales of its murder are vastly overstated.


I know it’s kinda OP to stagger lock a monster to death by rapidly chaining head shots but.

It’s hilarious anyone would even suggest that nerf isn’t entirely appropriate. Cope.


So ready, let’s nerf everything cool in the game, in the name of the “champion” players who are finding the game unbalanced…
After nerfing everything without balancing, everyone abandons the game just like they did with “vermintide end times”

Yeah god forbid you have to fight a monster on Cata for longer than 20 seconds right? That would obviously ruin the game :roll_eyes:

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It’s great to see that Fatshark is still paying attention. It is however unfortunate this patch made a few questionable changes, but I’m glad you all are still giving this game life.

Is it true? Can it really be true? Or is it still only damage and not power? I’m waiting on the patch to finish downloading (for the third time).

They instead ought to have lowered the damage bonus from Shade’s ultimate, Infiltrate, for Dual Daggers. Handmaiden, Waystalker, and Sister of the Thorns do not deal too much monster damage with Dual Daggers.

They’ve left Waystalker plus Hagbane untouched as well as the frequency of Grail Knight’s strength pots. Don’t even get me started on Trollhammer Torpedo.

Further, Dual Daggers weren’t that good or easy to use. They have high sustained dps vs single targets, which outside of monsters (which they don’t really have anymore, probably less than Kerillian’s spear from looking at the damage calc), was greatly less impactful than weapons with better breakpoints, like Rapier or AnF. A bodyshot damage nerf for the charged attacks might have been reasonable, but lowering the headshot damage too isn’t.

It makes some sense to nerf or adjust Sword and Dagger, but not Dual Daggers. The latter wasn’t overperforming. (I frankly don’t really think the former was either, except maybe in terms of bodyshot armour damage with heavy 2).

I believe its cleave (now 4.4, down from 24) is now below that of crossbow and longbow. Before, it could cleave Maulers and berserkers.

That said, I agree, spam is the bigger issue. I instead would have rathered they gave it an ammo count of 12 or 8, depending on whether they changed the damage as well, and put the cleave to slightly above a longbow. Or gave it a longer reload.

(Emphasis mine). If you would, avoid that sort of talk; it’s inflammatory.

Aside from that, I’m unsure of whether I agree. Bounty Hunter seems inferior to Handgun Huntsman at this point. Perhaps 70% would be a better sweet spot?

The Warrior Priest changes are odd. He was already fairly decent and a good enough team player. It was more that Righteous Fury would trigger at inopportune times than anything else.

yeah wth, it fires TWO bullets, of course it’s going to trigger twice, and then you should increase the cooldown reduction to 80% like it was, if you are mortally afraid of ‘bugs’

You sound more bitter than me. And i am already very bitter. Everything’s okay?

I’ll happily respond in good faith to anyone that adds an ounce of thought to their post. “Cope” is an entirely appropriate response to people just posting “revert” as some kind of weird command.

Seems to step too hard on Just Rewards’ toes with even more cooldown no? I’m not sure exactly what the CDR breakpoint for stagger locking a boss with conc pot is but 60% seems like plenty of cooldown. Ultimately I wish FS just decreased the base cooldown of L&L then adjusted accordingly. Clearly the base cooldown is too long when every single Ult talent has this much CDR built into it.

Regarding BH being not great generally I think they’re fine for base Cata regardless but I’d rather they just help out their rough thp situation or buff underperforming talents than preserve double shotted cheese.

Last time I was chatting balance around here EVERYONE agreed double shotted chain staggering bosses was dumb. What happened?

Nah I’m really good actually. Just super exhausted of that particular argument that nerfing dumb stuff will kill the game.


Why didn’t they just buff monsters?

If Fatshark would adapt my glorious melee trait reword that issue would be solved. Just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

Fatshark made the mistake to announce balance changes and the powergamers flocked immediately to the forums. Even the long lost ones. Though, I keep myself out of the BH discussion. Enough time consumed by headshaking reading people’s hot takes on Engineers, Javelins and other stuff. I probably should be happy that nearly nobody complains about BW and Coruscation. Seems that stuff was so broken that even powergamers couldnt advocate against nerfs.

Still irritated why so much overperforming stuff remains untouched. And why WP and OE were buffed at all.

Because it creates an even larger gap between dps and monster killer careers and defensive careers. Right now, dps is the easy way to go in Cataclysm and you see this with dps careers being used overproportional.

Now buff monsters on top and you make monster killer/dps careers from prefered to nearly mandatory.


I’m afraid that you have yet to addressed what was written. It is, still, inflammatory. Besides, it’s the talk you’d see on 4chan and in the Elden Ring subreddit, which aren’t cultures I’d like to see here.
Ignoring is the better option, unless we are to believe Fatshark will take two comments saying ‘revert’ seriously.

By how much?

Just Reward keeps the shotgun blast and takes a different skill to use (a bit of timing rather than headshots). They don’t have the same uses.

How long ago was that?
The VT2 part of this site looks to have been a bit buried by Darktide posts. I can’t imagine there’s been much in the way of signifcant discussion for some time now.

Foot Knight isn’t balanced by a long shot (he’s overpowered). It does not help that enemies have practically no health or stagger resistance on base Cata 1.

Is this directed at me?

Tanking the difficulty isn’t any harder than playing it with dps.

Only slightly ^^’ Although, I don’t consider you a powergamer. Despite spending a lot of time in modded, you still have a very clear image of the official realm state. And you also adress balance issues in an objective manner. I had someone else in mind with the comment.

Yes, and no. Tanking the difficulty is easy as well. But nuking everything on sight, is for most people easier to apply. The thought of killing while also occasional pushing and staggering is already to much for many people. Which is why you see more dps careers played in quickplay.

Is this current patch?