Should be 0.08
; affects rippergun_p1, autogun_p1, and shotgun_p1
This was fixed for autoguns but not ripperguns or shotguns
How do you consult the files? where are they?
They are posted on GitHub GitHub - Aussiemon/Darktide-Source-Code: Versions 'External-Test' to 1.0.24 and Associated Bundles
Yes, you’re right:
Search “[stat_buffs.damage_near] = 0.8” (2 hits in 2 files of 3578 searched)
\Darktide-Source-Code-master\Darktide-Source-Code-master\scripts\settings\equipment\weapon_traits\weapon_traits_bespoke_ogryn_rippergun_p1.lua (1 hit)
Line 54: [stat_buffs.damage_near] = 0.8
\Darktide-Source-Code-master\Darktide-Source-Code-master\scripts\settings\equipment\weapon_traits\weapon_traits_bespoke_shotgun_p1.lua (1 hit)
Line 124: [stat_buffs.damage_near] = 0.8
Still there looks like.
Still present on ripperguns and shotguns as of 1.031.