Eviscerator Tooth Clips through back of weapon

Issue Description:
The Eviscerator (Specifically the Tigrus MK II Heavy Eviscerator; but probably others) have a single tooth that clips through the back of the weapon. This is visible while blocking, revving, holding, or inspecting the weapon.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Equip the Tigris MK II Heavy Eviscerator (unconfirmed on other Eviscerators)
  2. Launch either Psykanum or any mission
  3. Observe weapon and wait (easiest while blocking)
  4. Observe results

Mission Name (If Applicable):

Steam (Assumed all environments)

Player ID:
Steam ID: Mizzles

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/22/2022, 1:00AM/PM] [EST]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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