Everything wrong with auric mission select summed up in 1 image

3 pox gas missions for damnation + bonus ventilation purge so that makes it 4 missions with a reduced visibility modifier
and 3 high intensity shock gauntlet for heresy

There should NEVER be more then 1 of the same modifier on the mission select at the same time.
Heresy doesnt have any choice at all, and damnation has only 3 choices (visibility, hounds, or hi-gauntlet)

And this isnt even some freak accident, its always like this. To make matters worse, the mission timeout doesnt change it into a different modifier 80% of the times.


oh and you dont like maelstrom missions on the same map for 3 straight hours?

FS: go tuck yourself, not my problem

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FS doesn’t care about our time. After crafting mission selection needs some love, which we will have a Q&A for this time next year.

Gotta RNG everything to increase retention.


Random is random.

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Talking about pox gas, I don’t know wth is FS thinking. Almost everybody in V2 hate Nurgle Curse (miasma) in Chaos Waste. Yet they bring it to DT. I have about 1.5k hours in Chaos Waste and people always avoid miasma maps because they hate it.

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I literally see one choice on that screen (the new map), “maybe” the maelstrom, but I dislike most of the difficulty maelstrom modifiers as they centre around spamming waves of specials which break sound at pre-scripted locations. Literally the only fun modifier is monstrous.

Conclusion for me: the map selection screen is in DIRE need of redesign. Give players freedom to select the map and difficulty modifiers. Even VT2 solved it better with deeds, which you could abuse to not waste them and to play on maps you wanted. This should be a feature ffs.

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