Issue Summary: If you hold rmb, triple shoot something, release rmb while shooting animation still going on and noticeable time after it, shooting again without holding rmb will cause you to shoot triple. Pls look into it. Also animation of going into charged and back to normal feels clunky
Steps to Reproduce:
Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Rare (< 10%)
Unusual (< 25%)
Common (< 50%)
Often (< 75%)
Constant (100%)
Additional Information:
[Attach a Screenshot and/or Video Evidence]
(Screenshots and/or video evidence (if applicable) can be particularly helpful. To upload, click the ‘Upload’ icon within the post controls.)
[Attach Your DxDiag]
(Press ‘START’ and enter ‘DxDiag’. Select the DxDiag app and allow it to load. Once loaded, click the 'Save All Information…" button and save to a location of your choosing. To upload, click the ‘Upload’ icon within the post controls.)
[Attach Your Session Console Log]
(Navigate to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs and locate the log that corresponds with the particular session in which your issue occurred. To upload, click the ‘Upload’ icon within the post controls.)