Hello, I’ve seen an announcement “Mercenary is being played too often so we’ll nerf him.” and I object it. Here’s why I insist.
1.Mercenary is meant to be played a lot more than other classes because of its innate compatibility towards any play-style
Mercenary can take every role of VM2. So it can attract devastatingly wide user pool and has a higher occupancy rate.
For example, you can be a supporter with shield&sword, the skills “Strike together” and “On your feet, mates!”. you can be a wave controller with mace, shotgun, the skills “Limb-splitter”, “Black market supplies” and “Ready for action”. you can be a elite&special sniper with halberd, handgun, “Helborg’s Tutelage” and “Black market supplies”… and so on.
2. Huntsman is the worst career since WOM, so most of the player choose to play the ranger of other characters. That’s why the ratio of mercenary from Kruber is insanely high.
Huntsman is crippled right now. Its headshot-based method makes it stationary and so vulnerable on WOM melee-stagger meta. Also, Its monster hunting ability is dependent on teammates’ support blocking waves and attract monster’s head right in front of Huntsman. It’s far from the right place of ‘dps nuker’ so It makes Huntsman as the worst prey not a predator.
3.Mercenary’s Career Skill has the far most unique value throughout VM2 so It has to be crowded with players.
Mercenary is one of the 2 massive healer career (Mercenary and Unchanined).
Mercenary is one of the 3 career who can knock back wave, special and monster at the same time. (Mercenary, Grail knight and witchhunter)
Mercenary is the only career who can revive the fallen teammates.
Do you want to lower the ratio of the mercenary? Erase the healing&reviving gimmick out of Fatshark industry forever mash the diverse playstyles into the same kil-them-all meta.
4. Users can’t even access the actual statistics of Occupancy rate. We need some solid evidence of Mercenary being too OP.
5. With BBB giving the users a lot of choices to play, the ratio of Mercenary will go down naturally.
6. It will give the negative reaction towards premium career.
I hope it’s not real but It quite looks like Fatshark is trying to promote the Grail knight Kruber DLC by nerfing one of the very basic career of the game. It can depress people from buying furthermore new premium careers since GK itself can be nerfed for temporary DLC profits.
After all, Mercenary is the very first character to be played by player. What’s wrong with basic career being loved?