Disconnect/Reconnect to mission STILL revives you if done while downed/disabled

Issue Description (Required):

I’ve seen this reported near release over a year ago. Now we have penances that stop progressing once you die, but this exploit remains. So currently in auric/maelstroms whenever anyone goes down the person just DCs and reconnects to revive themselves. Kind of takes the edge off the game if everyone is doing it, which they’re encouraged to for the title.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Get knocked down or disabled
  2. think “hmm I think I don’t want to lose penance toward”
  3. think “hmm today I will simply exploit”
  4. disconnect from mission via alt+f4 or using a mod that allows you to quick DC
  5. reconnect to mission from char select
  6. you are now back alive and your HP is back and you are a good player now

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)


the last time i wrote an open post about this the community kinda laughed me out so go figure

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“Teacher, do we have any homework today?”

ive actually only seen this to save runs

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It’s actively detrimental to my experience if every mission is just a free win because people just exploit. Your characterization is weird, like somehow there’s a point to playing this game other than having fun. If you just wanna grind out items and challenges play sedition

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man you must be kranky when youre carried
but actually, ive actually only seen this to save runs, when one person or the team has felt that theyve progressed enough that theyre essentially saving the final phase of the run, or more so when a player decides to rage quit, team wipes, and run is practically dead ; so they then save run to not waste time in just resetting, nice way to immediately learn from mistakes and apply newly learned skill.

i think ur jus mad that another person/team in life is getting ahead illegitimately even when yall are on the same team

frankly, im mad at the people using keyboard and mouse when dedicated game pads and controllers are being made and used daily. And mods? Dont even get me started on mods. The way healthbars let you know how long it takes to kill to the point that you can memorize how many bullets it takes to kill a specific full health enemy, and Fatshark doesnt endorse the use of mods?!? Modders should get stuffed

Yea this need fixing its so cringe when someone “cheats” to get away with their mistake of dying.


You’ve said this twice now, I have trouble believing this, especially since I’ve seen it used far more often to cheeze the system rather than “save runs”. Now with the penance it’s more likely to happen.

And you know what? If you deserved to lose then you deserved to lose.

Furthermore, you’re making all these weird excuses and personal attacks towards OP, which leads me to suspect you’re one of those lame ALT-F4 cheezers and felt called out.


naw i speak from personal experience and rarely still see people cheese (most of my games run pretty smoothly just cuz im the only one leaving the team forcing the rest to always group up)
personally, i only alt-f4 when someone else leaves before/during a team wipe at the end of the game

the excuse of people learning and applying is an excuse as ive yet to do it nor seen someone else do it (and if i did see one, i probably laughed at them and brushed it off)

and you are very right, i have also said in the past that i am sometimes not happy when i win games


this was a joke in poor taste but the legitimacy hits hard

psps : people are mad about their time being wasted, and people are mad at each other for doing all kinds of random sh!t, then people are mad about no communication in both game comms and dev side, people say they like to have fun
i think we people have become deluded

blah blah blah it’s an exploit I dont care about your cope, I play the game to have fun not to farm materials or whatever, having people exploit and trivialize the mission isn’t fun


That would be the exploit yeah, thanks for joining us. Game over screen is a skill issue you should try to avoid and not complain that it was unfair for X Y Z. This should have been patched out months ago.

If I join in a lobby last alive I usually barrel myself, take the game over chumps.


What is a solution you propose?

It doesn’t bother me, but I’m curious what your solution would be

when you disconnect while downed you load back in either downed or dead, I think that should take care of the exploit. Maybe there’s a better solution for it but that seems like the most reasonable approach


That’s not a bad idea!

Pretend fat shark is reading this so sell it to them!

How would eliminate the chance of someone joining a game in the downed or dead state?

Dunno, why would that happen?

Someone goes down and leaves. Next person joins. How do you prevent the game knowing the difference between that and the exploit?

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why’s that my problem? Devs figure it out

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It’s only your problem if you want your idea to seem like it can endure one line of scrutiny :crazy_face:

Edit: actually let me take a crack at it:
The game could use the IP address or something to tell if it’s the same person or not. If it is a different person, you spawn into the game alive?

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Are you ok? Are you dumb? Why are you pretending it’s my problem how fatshark will implement a fix technically? I didn’t propose an idea for a fix in the first place, you asked me. I don’t care how they fix it. Use steam ID and the gfwl equivalent or something I don’t care. What’s your problem?

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never said it wasnt a bad thing, nor would I say to care for it

What I’m confused about is why you think your opinion on a reported bug matters. Must suck relying on this kind of thing