Developer Update - March 6


Thanks for stopping by! This week, Vermintide turns two, and to celebrate we enabled the event special map ‘A Quiet Drink’ so the heroes can get some reprieve! Maybe. Probably not.

With Queen Kerillian out on the town alongside Steam Tank driver wannabe Victor, there’s some notable downtime for Lohner back in the keep. He’s been looking at some of your submitted artworks and creations, and we thought we would share a bunch of those this week!

This anniversary celebration is not so much about us, or Vermintide, as it is a celebration of everyone who’s been a part of this special journey with us. We might make the game, but it would be nothing without all of you lot joining the fray! So we want to take a moment to celebrate all of you and your wonderful creations.


Due to limitations in forum embedding, take a look at the new post linked below to view the gallery of cool stuff you lot have made as well as some words to you from some Sharks


Happy anniversary
Thank you too Hedge and Julia for enduring us and your great work!

I wonder if you have something planned for April 1st… Any sneak peaks?


Probably some remixes from Bardin’s official Book of Songs and a few more originals. Mine sounded great once I’d fully transcribed them onto a CD so I could take them in the car!

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I hope to enjoy A Quiet Drink in the future for console’s 2 year anniversary. In the meantime, I’m digging all the fanart. I love that Valentine’s comic so much!


I completely missed this thread. Thanks for the shout out Hedge and Julia, also, thanks for having us. Also, that artwork is awesome. Love the Valentines day comic.