Deathrattler, weird behavior

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Deathrattler decided to stay at the same place where he picks Rasknitt up, instead of jumping down to the arena as usual

Level Name (Optional):

The Skittergate

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):


Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

[PC] Upload Console Log & vermintide2_launcher.log (Optional):

console-2025-02-03-20.37.58-7dfa55a3-a531-43f4-b54a-a93f7cc6ca2b.log (6.94 MB)

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oh no :scream:

They’ve gotten slapped around so much they are starting to do the world war tactics for real, gattlings on high ground, what´s next? They´ll flood the cave with gas? :sob:

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