Darktide Twitch mode - Gamemode

I think a similar mode like Vermintide 2, would be cool to see in Darktide. for the people that played it in VT2 they know it was possible to tweak it 200% to make it harder and also more interesting.


This would certainly add more dynamic difficulty scaling options, especially if you could do the VT2 trick with Twitch “dice rolls” when no one is watching.


I agree, twitch mode is so cool and is very underrated, does any other game have a feature like that?

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While I think that this will be cool, I don’t think that this gamemode will at all be popular.
(I never played Vermintide Twitch mode, so I may be biased)

Maybe they will make it a modifier for Maelstrom, that’ll work, but anything other than that(like special operations) - will be pretty unpopular.

Also, I gotta say that word “Twitch” pushed me from trying it out, because I thought that I MUST have twitch account and MUST stream the game, which I don’t want.

So, I am not against that, I just don’t want it to be the same thing.
I propose it to be a Maelstrom modifier, maybe with a choice to turn on/off twitch integration

this game mode more meant for fun when people want to have more something spicy, possibly with a team, in fact it doesn’t have to be popular, it was a separated thing to do :smiley:

and yes, in VT2 you didn’t need a twitch account at all, you could just insert any random twitch accounts name and it would worked.

and votes would be happened trhough the chat, but most of the time the vote is random because nobody voting.

and yes could be interesting too the twitch integration on a maelstorm.
maybe becoming a maelstorm of maelstorms, where every tot mins, you can have subsequential different maelstorm types in the same maelstorm :smiling_imp:


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