Damage Stat on the Flamer

I heard a long time ago that the damage stat only affected the damage of the flamer while you are spraying fire directly onto an enemy, while the burn stat is actually the one that matters and lets you stack up higher DOT damage.

Is this true? I’ve been using a 60% damage flamer for I don’t even know how long at this point, but does the damage stat really not affect the burn damage at all?

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Yes, damage only affects the direct (first) application of fire

U r correct! The damage stat is for calculating impact damage (the flame touching the enemy) and not the burn stacks that is the main amount of damage for flamer.

Burn affects max stacks & tick rate (so DoT), Cloud Radius affects range & width, and Damage only affects direct damage. The direct damage is also very very small to begin with, so even a 20% difference is negligible.

Except… not really.

While dmg may seem small & irrelevant, it also affects the tickrate. Here’s a pic from my notes to help:


For both weapons, Burn & Cloud Radius are the most important, but dmg isn’t irrelevant.

  • Flamer
    • The actual dmg difference of ~-10.5% is bigger than most weapons have between 80% vs. 60%, definitely not a dumpstat
    • The dumpstat here, imo, is obviously mobility
  • Purge staff
    • Has an even greater dmg diff than the flamer
    • Dumpstat here is definitely Warp Resistance. Purge base warp res is already so crazy high it’s hard to raise your peril fast enough for Warp Rider & Nexus (+dmg & crit rate).
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