We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can investigate your issue properly.
Issue Description:
Crash Report (If Applicable):
GUID: bfbf481e-029c-43b6-b45f-972b8f31834d
Log File:
Info Type:
**Error Displayed (If Applicable): None. Crash to desktop.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Be told on Twitter not to sort in the merchant.
- Accidentally click left stick and sort while in merchant screen
- Anger the holy machine spirit leading to it stopping the sacred task.
- Perform the canticle of maintenance, apply the blessed salve, and perform the rite of holy reports to appease the spirit of the machine.
**Mission Name (If Applicable):N/A
Platform: Steam
Player ID:
Steam ID: 76561197994294991
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/23/2022, 3:41PM CST
Reproduction Rate: First time I’ve hit sort in the merchant. Not planning on testing again lest I anger the holy spirit of the machine.
Upload Supporting Evidence: Crash report is evidence as after crashing to desktop it popped up
Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-23-20.36.41-bfbf481e-029c-43b6-b45f-972b8f31834d.log (315.8 KB)
Upload darktide_launcher.log: Doesn’t exist