As an avid player of both Vermintide 2 and Darktide with controller I cannot understand why a change had to be made swapping the tagging and career ability bindings from left to right button on controller and vice versa between the 2 games. I go back and fourth between them now and am constantly ulting when I try to tag or the reverse. This seems so unnecessary so can it be changed back? Also ties into the issue of being able to set custom controller mappings as this would resolve the problem but barring this please change the default bindings so these functions match between the games…
All buttons should always be remapable no matter the input device… but how on earth can you play a game like this with a controller?
… then again… I don’t understands why FPS on consoles are even a thing. I love controllers… just not for these types of games.
I play with a controller in my left hand and a mouse in my right. The aiming is exactly the same as m/kb. Either way, people should be able to play like they want without being critized.
Sometimes while being at work i play darktide on my phone with razor kishi.
The button layout is not optimal for me but good enough for malice.
I would like to config all buttons though.
Works like a charm with 5G and Geforce Now.
Full HD on max settings with ray tracing on a phone, what a time with live in.
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