Can't replace task a fourth time

If it is intended behaviour then it should not say that it costs 7500 to switch. It should also be made abundantly clear ahead of time that you only get a certain number of rerolls.

Some of these are just impossible to do and you need to get rid of them. I personally don’t have time for 25 missions a week, but that of course differs from person to person. The one that tells you to finish all secondary objectives on a map that is never in rotation is the worst offender here for me.

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same problem pls fix

I’m also experiencing this; as far as I know this happens to everyone. As others have said, fixing this bug should be high priority, because many of the Sire Melk contracts are simply not reasonable to complete (e.g. any of the mission specific secondary objective contracts).

I’m tentatively happy to see this as marked as acknowledged instead of ‘not a bug’ as previous threads of this have been marked.

There’s a “known issue” that references this bug, but frustratingly it does not specify what the actual intended behavior is – is this a UI bug where it’s not supposed to even prompt you to replace 4+ times? Or is the bug that it is supposed to let you but it doesn’t?