Burst damage is counted as single hit instance

Burst damage weapons s should count every damage tick as damage source.

I will use Vraks MK3 as example, but this is covering chain weapons, and shotguns too. Or any burst weapon I might have missed in this.

I have Vraks MK3 with weakpoint hits increase crit chance blessing. I have to shoot 5 bursts to get this blessing to have full stack. That is 15 consecutive hits. From what I can tell missing one billet of 3 round burst will interrupt my blessing perk but I have to hit 15x to get maximum benefit. I have to say that when crit procs it is for all three bullets of burst and that is kind of nice, but would not it be better is every damage tick could apply crit, every damage tick would count towards the blessing? This would make also chain weapons more interesting and viable to be able to crit mid revv. Right now you have to prey your rev is going to be critical on first hit otherwise it will not crit, and get increased armour penetration.

I feel this should change to make combat more fluid and balanced. If I shoot 3 rounds from MGIV in same amount of time as I shoot one burst with Vraks I get benefit of 15% critical chance bonus.

If you take any Autogun every billet count. But burst weapons suffer.

Change my mind.

Edit: forgot to mention shotgun that would also benefit from this change. It wound make it also little bit more interesting weapon.

If you crit, all three bullets crit.

I mean as I said sustain DPS is most likely similar, but burst damage would be most likely better. Weapons like shotguns would benefit this more. And that is a good thing in my opinion.

I imply that if I miss a single shot out of a burst it seems to me it breaks the chain. If that is the case it is downright punishing. I.e. if you kill sniper with two bullets and there is a wall behind him you loose bonus. Afaik

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