BUG: Reduced damage on heavy sword and catachan sword


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Heavy Sword and Catachan Sword appear to be dealing much less damage they should be on light attacks. According to in game stats, they should deal ~43 and ~50 respectively, but testing in meat grinder shows they deal ~31 and ~35 damage. Issue is noticeable in game as well, as heavy sword takes way too many hits to kill poxwalkers. Combat axe does not seem to be affected by this issue and deals the stated damage.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play meat grinder as zealot
  2. Equip Heavy sword or catachan sword
  3. Light Attack poxwalker in the body
  4. Note damage is significantly less than the stated weapon damage in inventory
  5. Equip Axe
  6. Light attack poxwalker in the body
  7. Note damage is very close to stated weapon damage in inventory


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
12/1/2022 9:00 AM PST

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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Have you used Tab to expand damage breakpoints?
Should be different damage for different armor types

Poxwalkers are a different enemy/armor type; they count as Infested, not Unarmored. Inspect the swords in question in the inventory page (“v”) and then display their attack details from that page (“Tab”). Infested should have a damage number lower than Unarmored.

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