Bug Feedback of Psyker's Talent : Souldrinker can not be effective continuously

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

the talent say: kiling an enemey with soulblaze restores 5% toughness,if i kill 2 or more enemy, it will have 5s waitting time , according the talent descripition it will restores 5% * N(u kill enemy numbers by soulblaze),and reflesh the talent effect time, but it not , it have 5s watting time.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. use soulblaze kill enemys
  2. just restore 1times = 5% toughness
    3.use soulblaze kill more enemys but not restore touguness untail 5s watting time pass

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)