Broken energy sword

More weapons should feel like the power sword. It actually feels GOOD. most of the weapons in this game feel like trash…

Power Sword is fine. Yes, it’s the best Veteran melee weapon. There will always be best weapon. Ok, let’s say they nerf it as Fatshark: to the trash tier (as they always do). So his next best weapon becomes his next weapon?

Guess what I will see next on Forum: Veteran still dares to have good melee weapon and do fine in melee despite being range class! Nerf now his next best weapon.

People who cry for Nerfs for Power Sword will never be happy until Veteran will only be able to run with white sword with zero cleave and damage.

Power Sword is great becasue it’s supposed to be great. In 40K Power Sword is pretty much one of the best, most prestige melee weapons you can wield. It’s supposed to be the top of the chain. But I bet most people who say that Power Sword is too strong never play on Diff 5.

Power Sword has low dodge count, low dodge distance and recharging blade many times makes you eat tons of melee damage. I had more success with Chainsword or Chainaxe or Combat Blade when it comes to NOT GETTING hit while dealing with horde. The only thing that goes for Power Sword to compensate is RAW power (power sword, duh) it has. I think its fair trade. To be honest if I play with my team (where I can trust they won’t die like randoms do and leave me with 5 maulers and 2 Crushers) I prefer to take more safe melee weapon vs horde and leave armor enemies to rest of my team with more anti-armor melee setup, as Power Sword is akward as hell to use. But when I play with randoms on Diff 5 I NEED TO BE ABLE to deal with everything by myself becasue half those players just die all the time to everything and what am I going to do with bunch of armors guys on me without my Power Sword? Lock myself in animation to chainsword/axe one of the so rest can kill me?

Power Sword is fine. The problem is: rest of Veteran melee weapons just doesn’t cut it for Diff 5 if you have to deal with stuff yourself.

And believe me- if you play with randoms (like in V2) always assume you will have to. And mostly you will be correct.

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Bolter is ight, its situational.

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