Issue Description:
There’s a trouble spot in War Camp, at the drop by the third tome, it’s possible to get “stuck”
I fought along the edge during a horde fight and Kruber went down, as I turned around to pick him up, I wasn’t able to because of an invisible wall. This is an issue because I never dropped down off the ledge and yet for some reason I wasn’t able to return to pick up Kruber.
In my opinion it’s ridiculous to place such a barrier in the playable map area. Especially when you consider there’s already two previous one way drops before you reach this one. So why is this barrier even here?
Steps to Reproduce:
- Approch the ledge at the third tome
- Walk to the very edge (without dropping off)
- Turn around to backtrack. You won’t be able too.
On the same map there’s also another barrier issue I’ve encountered in a few runs, sometimes a Blightstormer will throw players and bots outside of the ram section and while it should be possible to double back to pick them up, there’s yet another barrier in the playable map that prevents this.
Please remove this barrier or open up the drop so you can double back to pick up downed players.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Wait for a blightstormer to spawn.
- Get caught in the spell near the tower.
- Sometimes the spell will fling you back on top of the drop.
- Climb the tower, jump down onto the tent by the drop in order to get across so you can pick up the player
- You won’t be able to jump across because of a barrier.
War Camp is a good map but this is poor map design which really breaks immersion whenever it occurs, so please address the issue. Thanks.