Bardin One handed weapon emote not in inventory

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I’ve not received Bardin’s one handed weapon emote from the spotlight, i know it can take a couple of logins but after after logging a decent amount of time the days i’ve still not received it.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

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Constant (100%)

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Steam (PC)

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I do not have it too. Maybe we do not make the challenge?

There’s no such thing as a ‘one-handed weapon emote.’ Bardin got (Shielded Weapons) Axe & Shield + Hammer & Shield from the event and has five other sets in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders: (Great Weapons) Great Axe + Great Hammer + War Pick, (Dual Weapons) Dual Hammers + Dual Axes, Handgun, Masterwork, and Crossbow. (i.e., the event rewards preview is misleading, and one-handed weapon emotes, as well as Crank Gun + Flamethrower + Trollhammer emotes, cannot be accessed in the unmodded version of the game.)

Here’s the list of all officially available poses.

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Thx for the info but I did not get even the shielded one…

That was the shield + one handed weapon during the spotlight ?
thought it was just the one handed, yeah the preview was a bit misleading then
thanks !

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