Audio bug during advanced basic training

Issue Description:
when doing the advanced basic training as a veteran. At the ranged suppression part the audio from the pistol cuts out, the only sound is the casings falling on the floor and when you stop firing the audio returns

Steps to Reproduce:
go into the advanced basic training section and at the ranged suppression part fire the weapon

Mission Name (If Applicable):
advanced basic training

[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
16:05 GMT +1

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
didn’t try, assume it’s frequent

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

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