Just curious if anyone here plays the modded difficulty Deathwish. I beat my first run (with bots) without too much trouble, but man is it reminding me how annoying they can be. They’re a real hindrance since they just slow your pace a lot, and just go down all the time (while generally ignoring you if you need help).
If anyone is interested in trying some runs on it sometime, maybe we can get a group together.
I prefer the idea of Onslaught, myself, but more bosses when you’re playing with bots is more annoying, and I’m not sure how my rig will handle it - I’ll have to see.
I did test Onslaught and my rig could handle it - I’d rather play that, but it needs real players even more than Deathwish. I got a win on DW with bots on my first try, but they didn’t even make it past the arena on Righteous Stand in Onslaught!
Accepted! Will be on tomorrow, also generally around in the evenings for a bit. My computer can handle hosting onslaught pretty well, my internet isn’t always the best though… I’m sure we will make it work!
Wonderful! I can’t wait to be part of a big following of ratstabbers!
I only really play games on Tuesdays/Thursdays (as far as weeknights are concerned) because life happens on the other nights but I’ll have an odd Wednesday/Friday that’s free if plans get cancelled.
If we need a common Discord I am happy to join into someone else’s or to offer up my own; WTFi (Where The Fun is) is always looking for members and we have a few other folks who play Vermintide. Notably are @JRxDemon and @LordOfTheBees who are both joyful players to hang out with.