Brain burst/brain rupture would seriously benefit from the ability to target enemies, specifically Specialists and Elites while ignoring horde enemies. I think the best implementation of this would be for it to hit tagged enemies when aimed in their direction, even through other enemies.
I am tired of hopping around trying to grab the sniper that’s been tagged behind the horde of groaners and poxwalkers, this is especially bad on many parts of Rolling Steel, as well as the bridge hold on Silo Cluster. My character talks of sucking information directly from people’s minds I’m sure he can use that for target selection, I wouldn’t even mind slightly higher Peril cost for it, or a Talent.
^ This topic comes up a lot, and for good reason.
FWIW there’s already very, very generous aim-assist for things like bolters is there not? I haven’t looked, but couldn’t that just be applied to head pops too?
I believe rupture has a tendancy to target high value targets more than horde enemies, but that’s only when they’re close to each other, not through them.
Imo Rupture isn’t really worth using much rn so I haven’t touched it in awhile so I could be wrong.
I know there’s been a bunch of debate about BB - and I’m generally of the feeling that BB is fine as is.
BUT - I think this is actually a great idea. BB should still be able to target anything, but if you are aiming at a tagged enemy that one gets the BB automatically. Would strengthen its utility versus specialists and disables that are buried in a horde and help justify the cast time.