The new Shovels: A comparison

This message brought to you by Kenneth the Shovelknight.

Fatsharks newest Patch brought us 2 new shovels for the Veteran and one more Shovel for the Ogryn.
Now, I hear you ask, “why tinker with perfection”? An understandable notion.
I, too, pondered about which one of the now available shovels best fits what I want of a shovel.
So I figured it’s time for a short comparison and analysis of the new models to facilitate discussion.

(Veteran) Shovels in general

The current, and so far, only, shovel for the veteran, the Standard Issue Munitorium Sapper Shovel, is an interesting weapon that is, alas, often a bit underappreciated.
Combining good stagger, good cleave, servicable attack speed, and decent defensive stats that I’m sure a theoretically primarily ranged class would appreciate, it suffers a bit from those defensive stats only really coming to fruition on a high level base, while its focus on crowd control with level-able damage multipliers against armoured foes leaves it less than lethal in early levels - precisely those levels where the player is also lacking a strong ranged option.
It probably doesn’t help that Shovels were nerfed by a recent bugfix.

The humble shovel, in that respect, is remarkably like an Ogryn weapon (except the fact that it’s fast) and also bears resemblance to the Zealot’s Crusher (minus the anti-armour damage output).
Shovels excell at crowd control, but will never be your first choice against armoured targets.
Amongst it’s often overlooked quirks, the Shovel offers unique opportunities for Blessings:

  • Not only is it the only weapon to have “Take a swing”, granting weakspot damage after pushing an enemy, but it also offers blessings otherwise only available on other weapon types:
  • Limbsplitter, Decimator, and All or Nothing, otherwise only available on Axes (what use is the former is admittedly anyone’s guess) with somewhat more of a single-target focus, and
  • Uncanny Strike, otherwise only available on Knives and Psyker-Exclusive weapons.
    This offers unique combination opportunities, some of which may be useful some day in this game’s future.

Anyways, unto the actual weapon comparison:

Standard Issue Munitorium Sapper Shovel

Our baseline, and only choice so far. Tagged "Versatile" and "Crowd Control".

It has three “Strikedown” Melee attacks that on average are more sideways than downwards, being 2 45° diagonal strikes followed by a horizontal strike from the right.
The light attacks deal slightly less dmg vs. Flak, more vs. Maniac, and none against Carapace outside of Finesse Attacks.
The Heavies are two clean horizontal swipes, quick to charge, with very good stagger for its speed, and more range than one might think given the size of the weapon.
The Push Attack is a useful direct vertical strikedown; Not my first choice after a push, but a welcome addition.

It’s Special is a fast forward stab, easy to aim, with VERY good stagger against Carapace and Unyielding enemies, but little in the way of damage. The utility value should be obvious, but it doesn’t provide any direct offensive power.

Unto the new contenders:
Munitorum Mk III Sapper Shovel

The first new contender. Tagged "Crowd Control" and "Strikedown".

It’s light attacks are a diagonal, 2 horizontal, and another diagonal swipe, reminscent of a heavy sword, only it’s better because it’s, you know, a shovel.
The last attack in the chain is a strikedown reminiscent of the standard shovel in that it’s more sideways than down, and has the same damage profile.

The Heavies are a Diagonal Swipe from the right, complete with a lovably janky animation, and a vertical strikedown deserving of the name.
The Push Attack is a horizontal swipe with good cleave.

The Special is a departure from the previous shovel in that it works more like activations on other melee weapons changing the weapon behavoir: Not only does it deal increased damage when hitting armoured targets, like, say, a virgin Mauler that has shown insufficient appreciation for our chosen tool of the trade, it also changes any affected attack to a vertical strikedown. The weapon will stick for a very short timeframe, complete with light slowdown, and deal a smaller tick of damage afterwards when pulling it out again.

Munitorum Mk VII Sapper Shovel

Lastly, the Mk7. Again, "Crowd Control" and "Strikedown".

At first glace, it looks pretty similar to the mk3:
Except, it’s probably actually closer to the standard shovel.

The light chain consists of two pleasingly horizonal swipes, followed by the customary not-really-strikedown and a vertical strikedown.
The Push Attack is a vertical strikedown like on our standard, and chains directly into light 3 for a useful single-target combo.

The Heavies look identical to the standard shovel’s, as well, two horizontal swipes with good cleave, good stagger, and an identical damage profile.

Only the Special works like the mk3 again, flipping the weapon’s tool end and changing the next attack to armour piercing single target. Unlike the mk3, the heavy and light use different angles (diagonal on the heavy, vertical on the light).

Ogryn Shovels:
Fenrir4life, right below, has graciously offered to take a look at the new Ogryn Shovels.

Preliminary Analysis:
The new marks seem rather similar to the existing one except for the new special, with the mk3 being a bit more different from the existing model than the mk7.
The special is probably useful in more situations than the stagger-stab on the standard-issue, but it’s also more involved, requiring an animation before doing a regular attack.
Of note, the special-activated attack causes 2 stacks of bleed when penetrating our Mauler, though this is of limited consequence given the attack timings involved.

To me, the mk7 seems like the better option so far, offering straight-forward attack chains that allow you to do more or less the same as on the standard, if maybe with the odd block in between, while exchanging the stab (theoretically useful, but I forget about it everytime I have an opportunity to use it) for potential extra damage against armour, and thus increasing the potential to be used as a main weapon. I quite like the ability to two-hit a mauler, though I’m aware that’s still not fast. (Edit: Crushers, too, if one of them is a crit. With Rending Strikes it’s nearly target agnostic.)
It felt a little more sluggish, but that’s probably just me getting used to the animation timings.
I also like that the activated light and heavy are slightly different, for all the practical difference it does not make.

So, fellow shovel afficionados, what’s your favourite? Anything I forgot?
Or, do you have an opinion on how the new Ogryn Shovel stacks up to the existing one?

Recent Talk about Shovels
Older reddit discussion about the shovel
Please do poke me at other threads discussing the ins and outs of the new tools. : )


Alright, here to talk about the new oggy shovels.
So, the original was a beautiful hybrid child of a club and a knife, with a satisfying uppercut, good carapace damage on its first heavy, and potent anti-horde abilities, especially in the aftermath of the changes to Brutal Momentum and the removal of the artificial target cap on its second heavy. Nothing it sucked against, and could reliably bully anything but Crushers and Maulers.
Not the best weapon for light attack spam, but we don’t play the big lads to use light attacks.

Mark 5 shovel: attack pattern is fairly straightforward- you can use the L1-H1 combo of the original for anti-horde, or you can just chain heavies. Horizontalish swings with solid stagger, but lacks the original’s ability to handle Carapace with its normal rotation. For that, you need to use the special action, and while I do miss punching things in the face, I cannot stress enough that this shovel is functionally a power axe. Can kill just about anything without a screen-spanning health bar with a fully charged attack, especially if you can land a headshot.
Slow to set up, slow to recover, absolutely hilarious.

Mark 19 shovel: Haven’t used it as much. Feels like more of a traditional Vermintide weapon, with sweepy light attacks and single-target strikedown heavies. Heavies don’t change much in behavior when folded, making this shovel a bit more consistent in its handling than the mark 5, but I don’t like ogryn weapons that can’t use heavies at all to handle hordes. Can handle carapace even while not folded, but that ended up feeling kind of redundant to me- if I want that utility, the original shovel was better for it and allows me to punch heretics in the face.
Probably the only shovel I don’t want Thrust and Brutal Momentum on- Thrust is still viable on it, albeit less so as its heavies lack versatility(again, synergizes with the magnificent damage on the folded strike), but Brutal Momentum takes second place to Confident strikes: no horizontal heavies means poor ability to line up mass headshot kills, and the lack of heavy use in hordes highlights the value of Confident Strikes in keeping you intact in those situations.


Any new breakpoints with the newly buffed sapper shovel i should be concerned with?

I’d hesitate to call it buffed. With the reduced dodge distance, the Shovel has lost one of its foremost strengths.
I have to admit I’m not even quite sure about the previous breakpoints.
Heavy Attacks seem to reliably 2-shot dreg hordies, I’ll have to check and maybe compile a list of relevant breakpoints.

Anyways, time to see if I’ll totally brick the first good mk7 I acquired:

That’s a great break down, thanks :smiley:
I tried the mkIII yesterday and it felt great to be able to use a dear shovel while having something to use against armor.

Well, not horrible:

I’ve noticed that the Shovel’s heavies have trouble refreshing decimator, while “strikedown” attacks are more reliable.
The question is, when Fatshark said " Downward strikes now prioritise enemies heads above body.", what counts as a downward strike?
I’ll investigate more over the week.

I’ve become a fast fan of the Mk 7. The ‘standard’ shovel’s special was useful but sinking that spike into the helmet of heretics is, weirdly, delightful. Yet to try the Ogryn’s versions, but I’m hoping for good things from it.


The Mk 5 shovel on the Ogryn is so hilariously overtuned its insane. A super easy to access, strong hordeclear pattern and some of the best single target damage in the game through the special fold attack, which activates fast and doesn’t have any self stun or get “stuck” in an enemy.

I have no idea what FS was thinking with it.

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if I could roll a decent Mk VII with Uncanny + Skullcrusher, it would likely be my preferred shovel, but in it’s absence I still prefer the Standard-issue w/ it’s all strikedown light attacks. The Mk III is probably my least favorite at the moment, because of it’s 3x relentless light pattern - I found myself just slinging heretics around in a damnation game last night.

It may be a visual bug with the standard-issue strikedowns not reflecting the new damage improvements (via view attack breakdown) but the strikesdowns on the Mk VII do ~13% more damage than the standard-issue. e.g. ~170 vs ~150 against unarmored @ 80 damage. I’ve not tested the Mk VII enough in the Psykhanium to conclude if it’s only a bug in the attack breakdowns. Regardless, the difference is worth mentioning.

It’s weird to think about a shovel being better than a thunder hammer.

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O’Rly? :smiley: gonna have to try that one!

I’m not surprised. Fatshark have hated the Thunder Hammer for so long and have been so scared of making it good, this was eventually on the horizon.

Still actually incredibly stupid for a 40k game however.

After snagging a profane from Brunt to test out, my first thought was damn, is this the new Ogryn Thunder hammer!?

With extremely accessible sweeping heavies and an immensely (like, let’s show these flamers how we feel about the changes) powerful special attack, I’m an instant fan. I think I’ll miss the OG shovel moveset though, it’s a lot of fun to manage strikedown + sweep heavies…


Yeah, I truthfully wouldn’t mind if I had to mix up lights and heavies a little more to manage different situations, but I gotta say that ‘grut this thing in particular’ is pretty addictive.


Push attack

Umm have you tried the mk XIX? 1 hit killing crushers with the special no stacks

I just checked this again, and on similar damage rolls (80 vs. 79 or smth), the standard actually ended up doing slightly more damage against the hordies than the mk7.
Though it was hard with the rolls, the former had some bonus vs. groaners/pox walkers, the other vs. infested, and both had some blessings generating stacks.
But I concluded their damage was at last similar. :man_shrugging:
Pretty hard to not hit their head, though.

I need to test the mk3 more, I think.

Does the M19 do something I’m not aware of? The horde experience feels miserable. I was wondering if it might technically have better numbers like the catachan swords. Standard issue shovel took a huge nerf in dodge count, affecting the mobility hugely since it affects the fatigued dodge effectiveness it had. Didn’t really get enough of a boost to warrant that.

So I guess use the new shovels instead on him, since they can do crazy things even with bad blessings. Take a swing and all or nothing, despite being garbage on the OG, let me snipe most of the elites with a light attack headshot at 2 stacks of all or nothing while swing is up.

Ogg shovel can one hit maulers with just carapace and thrust, yes through the highest armor hitbox he’s wearing. Pretty wild. But punch is actually a trade off vs poke for me, so OG poo scoop still has its role. And both types of heavies.

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I personally LOVE the Mk XIX Shovel because of the way it throws around the weaker enemies with the normal attack pattern, whilst also doing lots of damage to singular stronger enemies with the special attack. The Mk VII Stubber is my crowd control weapon and paired with the power of a Mk XIX Shovel my Ogryn just feels so good.

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Does anyone have the attack timings from the code or smth?
They feel notably slower on the mk7 than standard, and I’ve read elsewhere that the special on the 3 is faster than on the 7.