Currently we have 2 ways to sort 1.) rating and 2.) type.
Would you mind adding “newest” to the mix?
So that when we get new items from the shop we don’t have to scroll to search for it. I usually buy like 20 at a time, so I have a lot of weps in my inventory and it’s quite annoying having to scroll to find it.
Additionally, please don’t reset it back to rating. Once I spec or upgrade a wep and return back to inventory page, it goes back to rating again. It’s quite annoying.
An Inventory UI overhaul and a lobby browser are the two missing pieces that keep Darktide as a pseudo early-access game in my head. The things you do while in game that aren’t actively playing are managing your inventory or queuing for a match. Both of these things should be more feature complete, at least on par with previous Tide titles.