Scab Rager texture is solid black

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Portions of the Scab Rager armor texture is solid black and its silhouette shows through all objects and effects.
Sometimes the black texture bug flickers but most of the time it’s solid black.

This only occurs in missions effected by Terror in the Dark modifier on all maps/missions. In all other missions they have no issues.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

rager armor bug 2.gif
rager bug.jpg

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Similar issue occuring to scab shooter, scab bruisers, and scab gunners. However the texture issue isn’t near-constant like that of the Scab Rager’s issue.

These additional 3 enemie’s texture issues seem to occur after being hit by a psyker’s smite lightning.

scab shooter black issue 1

Honestly looks like corruption to me. Did you verify your game files? I don’t really have any other advice that could help, sorry.

No prob, Ya I tried verifying files, but no luck. Seems mostly just related to scabs, but it’s inconsistent for anything that isn’t a scab rager, usually.

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