Random (?) Crash after Engineer DLC

Hey, hey! I’ve just bought the new engineer dlc, launched the mission, made some progress and game crashed.
Here’s the crash message:

GUID: e4ad7489-26a4-44bf-8675-e083d32a7cc1
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/network_lookup/network_lookup.lua:2281: [NetworkLookup.lua] Table social_wheel_events does not contain key: nil

Thank you very much for posting this. I am getting the exact same issue.

[Script Error]: scripts/network_lookup/network_lookup.lua:2281: [NetworkLookup.lua] Table social_wheel_events does not contain key: nil

Please disable any mods and see if the crashes persist.

I have them all disabled and have crashed 10+ times now.

With the exact same error above?

Edit: Looking in to it.

Yes its always: [Script Error]: scripts/network_lookup/network_lookup.lua:2281: [NetworkLookup.lua] Table social_wheel_events does not contain key: nil

3 exact same crashes within 3- seconds on against the grain testing new careeer

[Script Error]: scripts/network_lookup/network_lookup.lua:2281: [NetworkLookup.lua] Table social_wheel_events does not contain key: nil

So, I’m using Bot Improvements - Combat and, apparently, disabling option “Bots Ping Attacking Elites” fixed this issue. At least, for me.

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Thank you @Romucha, our developers have said the same! I was confused as the poster above mentioned they had mods disabled, so it’s possible it can occur if the host has the mod - as opposed to the client.

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Engineer so much Dakka it killed the whole game.

Crash within minutes any map. So sad. I want to shoot.

First Fatshark Giveth, then Fatshark taketh away.

*Edit - bot ping you say testing

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I also got a crash while unlocking his weapon for the weaves

I’m getting the same exact error message without any mods enabled. I played by myself with bots. The game CTD a few times shortly after starting a mission. I used the check file integrity feature in steam and was able to complete one mission but then the game started acting up again for. I apparent reason.

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