Insane explanation, everyone give this post a like so it gets a LOT of visbility!
Nothing new to add, just that I’ve also seen huge discrepancies in how kills are recorded, etc etc.
Same issue here, although it seems even worse: somehow I got to 1089 before the update by just playing normally, now it’s one of the last two zealot penances missing for me so I’ve been actively trying to do it for over 2 hours and got about 50 “burned enemies”. Most interestingly, I even tried doing a solo run on “The Carnival” (Hi-Int Malice) by starting a two-player game and getting everyone except me killed, gathering 50-100 enemies in a room three times, throwing an immolation grenade each time and killing all of them, and it didn’t count even 1. They were all scab bruisers and groaners, so my guess is it only counts elites, because later I tried some Hi-Int Hunting Grounds (Heresy) and that’s how I got those ~50 points (which took 15-20 grenades).
At this pace, it would take me another 30-40 h of actively trying to do the rest of this particular penance, which is just insane.
Same issue. I have been actively trying to get this penance and it’s going to take forever at this rate. Seems pretty bugged.
Whatever I do, enemies caught in explosion, never hitting them, them walking into the flames, etc. It isn’t consistent.
I have used a flame grenade, just held block and heard the voice line for getting a lot of kills and seen the counter go up maybe 1 or 2, or none at all. Something is really wrong with it.
@FatsharkStrawHat is this a known issue/confirmed? Or are we not understanding the penance?