Players can become stuck behind boxes

Issue Type (Required):

Chaos Wastes

Issue Description (Required):

In Count Mordrek’s Fortress, at the start of the Siege Lines area, there is a set of two boxes that players can become stuck if they fall in.

In the below video Kerillian and Saltzpyre become stuck, and Kerillian is freed at the end of the video by an enemy attack.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Start a game of Chaos Wastes and proceed to Count Mordrek’s fortress.
  2. Proceed to the Siege Lines area.
  3. Jump onto the boxes and walk between them.

The player will become stuck and unable to dislodge themselves. Taking damage from an enemy may knock them loose, as seen in the video below.

Level Name (Optional):

[Chaos Wastes] Count Mordrek’s Fortress

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

There is hell of a lot of places where we can stuck, i don’t even bother reporting it… Implementation of simple unstuck system would be nice (I think there is even one hidden unstuck system already in place) but giving that it would be made by fatshark, I’m sure it will introduce a whole new level of FATSHARKING.
Or those surfaces can be found and auto fixed with terrain scanner script, but again, it’s FATSHARK :slight_smile:

“Come one, the water is fine!” :joy:

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