PC Hotfix 6.5.3 - 17th of March
Features & Tweaks
- Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)
- Bots now avoid healing Zealots.
- Fixed social wheel messages not working in Versus.
- Fixed a bug where Winds of Magic levels were inaccessible.
Hotfix 6.5.2 - 12th of March
- Fixed crash when a bot shoots with steampistol
- Fixed crash when closing down the game during a loading screen with voip enabled
Hotfix 6.5.1 - 11th of March
Features & Tweaks
Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)
- Bots are now better at choosing whether to light or heavy attack against armored targets.
- More weapons now allow bots to push shielded targets.
- Bots are now better at predicting whether their target is pushable or if it’s a waste of stamina. Bots’ block window against enemies with long timed attacks is reduced slightly.
- Bots now take all nearby attacking enemies into consideration when blocking, rather than just the enemy they target (dodging behavior remains the same).
Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Made it so the ‘Close to win’ music starts when 2 out of 3 capture zones in the final capture area are done.
Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Added an ammo box to the end event.
Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Improved visualization for Capture Zones in Mad Dog Mines.
- Fixed a bug where downed players still took take damage from the Curse of Comradeship mutator.
- Fixed an issue where items equipped on certain loadouts did not show as equipped.
- Fixed a bug where the Masterwork Pistol had an extra delay when firing with a controller.
- Fixed some overlapping text when making a custom Chaos Wastes game.
- Fixed a crash when joining a friend’s Versus Game while in the Adventure scoreboard.
- Fixed a bug where difficulties appear locked for a few seconds when entering the keep.
- Fixed the Trollhammer Torpedo’s 3D model missing from the Athanor UI.
- Fixed a bug where the Tag/Social Wheel keybind wouldn’t work if bound to the same button as Place World Marker.
- Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Blocked off a shortcut exploit at the bomb cart and fixed various climb points.