PC Hotfix 6.5.1 + 6.5.2 + 6.5.3

PC Hotfix 6.5.3 - 17th of March

Features & Tweaks

  • Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)
    • Bots now avoid healing Zealots.


  • Fixed social wheel messages not working in Versus.
  • Fixed a bug where Winds of Magic levels were inaccessible.

Hotfix 6.5.2 - 12th of March


  • Fixed crash when a bot shoots with steampistol
  • Fixed crash when closing down the game during a loading screen with voip enabled

Hotfix 6.5.1 - 11th of March

Features & Tweaks

  • Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)

    • Bots are now better at choosing whether to light or heavy attack against armored targets.
    • More weapons now allow bots to push shielded targets.
    • Bots are now better at predicting whether their target is pushable or if it’s a waste of stamina. Bots’ block window against enemies with long timed attacks is reduced slightly.
    • Bots now take all nearby attacking enemies into consideration when blocking, rather than just the enemy they target (dodging behavior remains the same).
  • Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Made it so the ‘Close to win’ music starts when 2 out of 3 capture zones in the final capture area are done.

  • Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Added an ammo box to the end event.

  • Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Improved visualization for Capture Zones in Mad Dog Mines.


  • Fixed a bug where downed players still took take damage from the Curse of Comradeship mutator.
  • Fixed an issue where items equipped on certain loadouts did not show as equipped.
  • Fixed a bug where the Masterwork Pistol had an extra delay when firing with a controller.
  • Fixed some overlapping text when making a custom Chaos Wastes game.
  • Fixed a crash when joining a friend’s Versus Game while in the Adventure scoreboard.
  • Fixed a bug where difficulties appear locked for a few seconds when entering the keep.
  • Fixed the Trollhammer Torpedo’s 3D model missing from the Athanor UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tag/Social Wheel keybind wouldn’t work if bound to the same button as Place World Marker.
  • Versus - A Grudge Served Cold: Blocked off a shortcut exploit at the bomb cart and fixed various climb points.

More weapons now allow bots to push shielded targets.

Can we get some more information on what that means? I dont understand it. Did bots not push shielded enemies at all before?

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Let’s see if I can be helpful here or if Quickpaw will have to come to my rescue…!

Before this, only weapons with heavy push could push armored enemies. With this change, bots now push enemies no matter the weapons push category if the push will result in a stagger and if they’ve excess stamina. Other factors remain the same.


Using a stormvermin with shield as an example does it still take the same amount of pushes as before?

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Nice! Bots got some love! Moar! :slight_smile:

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They find it more favourable to do a push in more scenarios, but the effect of the push remains the same.

Example provided by game designer:
In a scenario where a Saltspyre with rapier would attack a blocking storm vermin with shield to no avail, it may now find it favorable to push the storm vermin to break the shield block.


Thank you for the information :slight_smile:


Heads up, players, we’ve recently discovered that this hotfix has a guaranteed crash for Bardin bots equipped with the Masterwork Pistol. Please avoid equipping that weapon on your bots until it is fixed!




FS magic. Can break the game in thousand ways. :smiley:

Thats just coding magic in general.

99 little bugs in the code.
99 little bugs in the code.
Take one down, patch it around,
127 little bugs in the code…

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Am developer, can confirm :sob::sob:

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Okay, now that the bug is fixed, I am really curious as to the reason this crash happened.

did the bot fixes include doing a death charge against non melee specials gunner rats, warp throwers and gas rats leading to them dying one after the other instead of shooting their gun or heresy staff, plus with multiple none melee specials the bots end up on the second floor the 1st floor in a hallway. had runs end in failure due to this death charge mentality.

could use the tag button to mark targets for bots to shoot instead of bathing in fire an bullets, plus they have the habbit of death charging the thrower or gattling while i have a back stabber on me letting me die an failing the mission its worse when they are 4 feet away from me an getting further,

playing as the warrior priest. just recently bought most of the dlc cept for necro na forgotten weapons full price since i decided nah screw the sale full price is what they deserve. ngl i feel i raw dogged could have a player priority added mark targets for a sniper shot i could just use any of victors classes with a gun yes but will that change the bots death charge or them abandon me to get murdered by a green knife wielding rat.

then theres a rando joining, had a guy join who loved to charge the horde an rushing forward, then u got the bots going the oppisite direction to kill a gun rat mindlessly charging and getting pushed back taking all the damage till they need to be revived also the rando that rushed forward is already dead before the fist bot dies, not exaggerated guy died quickly. i should mention this was all on legend diff. made an account just to post this.

No, they always did that :face_with_bags_under_eyes: and its a shame theyve never fixed that particular aspect of the bots.

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i swear bots got worse overtime, they got small incremental kinks in their behavior over time

as a random example
in the beginning they didn’t used to have their resting position half a meter in front of the player’s crosshair


Right! Sometimes I have games where the bots constantly get stuck on scenery or run circles around me when Im on the floor.

But then I also have games where one surviving bot gets me up under a rat ogre and a horde, heroically saving the day!

The circle of Vermintide life.



I’ll cross that one off of the Sigmarite Book of Grudges. Now for Rejuvenating Locus…

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