New revolver skin iron sights bugged (Top is new skin, bottom is regular skin)

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Iron sights missing from the front muzzle on new skin for the revolver

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Buy revolver skin and see the difference between Zarona and new skin

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):


same issue the front post is too small for a paid cosmetic

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Yeah I posted about this also, and it was acknowleded. They should at least test a cosmetic before selling it in the cash shop, don’t know why they rushed it to the store in this state. It’s a cool design though, and hopefully it’s fixed next patch

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We are their testers

What’s sad is they came out with a patch and didn’t address this yet they addressed an issue with the OTHER revolvers blessing not functioning correctly. So basically we pay money for an item in game and they are aware it doesn’t work properly yet they focus on an item that functions correctly except for the internal buff which is nothing in comparison to literally not being able to aim a weapon at 50+ yards. If this isn’t fixed next week they are going to start needing to give refunds because as of right now this item doesn’t work correctly and if that’s the case it can be proven their game is faulty, doesn’t function correctly and they are selling items purposely that do not function properly while being fully aware of this. I guarantee I could turn this into a steam refund of the money spent to get this skin if I make some videos of it affecting my gameplay.

Hey is this going to be fixed or should we all request refunds?

"I want a refund on the Aquilas spent to acquire the new revolver skin in your game. As of right now the skin is broken and does not display iron sights properly. A post was made about this and it was acknowledged yet a patch released and they did not address it. I want a refund on the money spent to acquire a broken skin. If I do not receive the refund I will escalate this to steam support and request a refund on the entire game for it being broken and you false marketing items that do not work properly. "

Just sent in a support ticket


I am just going to go ahead and assume they added this to whatever list they have and are going to “get around to it” I received a reply from fatshark support and their solution is to refund the Aquilas and take the skin. In my mind I should get free aquilas and the skin as a show of good faith considering the state of the game since release and the fact we are paying for faulty cosmetics but to each their own. Will never be purchasing another skin for this game because there is no way of knowing if it actually functions properly and since fatshark has made it clear their bottom line is priority, they get no more money from me.

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