New penance reward notification while no penance was completed

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I systematically receive notifications of available penance rewards to claim, but when I check on penances nothing is actually claimable. See “Steps to Reproduce” for more details.

I tried going through every page of the penance menu but nothing was unclaimed. The quick overview page also doesn’t show me a recently completed penance. I get the notification 100% of the time.

I am still able to complete new penances normally and get their rewards. The problem is only the notification giving me an incorrect information.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Log in with a character or come back from a mission to enter the Mourningstar
  2. Receive a notification saying a penance reward can be claimed (while no penance was actually completed)
  3. Open the penance menu to see nothing can be claimed
  4. Leave the penance menu: the notification is gone
  5. Next time I log in with a character or come back from a mission the notification is up again

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam


Same here.

This one gets posted a lot. Check the bottom rewards track. You have to manually unlock the boxes.

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I have 4795 penance points and claimed all rewards including the chest cosmetic a month after the Path of Redemption update. The unclaimed penance notification has been permanently visible since not long after that.

Definitely buggy.


Welcome to the club :joy:

Not cool of you to assume I can’t use the penance menu properly. I’m currently at 4655 penance points and of course my bottom track is fully claimed.

Thx for trying to help anyway.

This starts once you hit 4600. It’s letting you know you can claim the next level of the track. But the next level has not been implemented yet.

Seems like a bit of code that they forgot an on-off switch for.


This will be addressed in an upcoming patch, apologies for the inconvenience.


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