Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
I systematically receive notifications of available penance rewards to claim, but when I check on penances nothing is actually claimable. See “Steps to Reproduce” for more details.
I tried going through every page of the penance menu but nothing was unclaimed. The quick overview page also doesn’t show me a recently completed penance. I get the notification 100% of the time.
I am still able to complete new penances normally and get their rewards. The problem is only the notification giving me an incorrect information.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
- Log in with a character or come back from a mission to enter the Mourningstar
- Receive a notification saying a penance reward can be claimed (while no penance was actually completed)
- Open the penance menu to see nothing can be claimed
- Leave the penance menu: the notification is gone
- Next time I log in with a character or come back from a mission the notification is up again
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam