Mission rewards in Auric maelstrom are ignoring mission modifers

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As the included evidence clearly shows something is wrong with mission rewards for Auric maelstrom missions, in some instances being actually lower than the rewards for a regular non-auric maelstrom mission.

For example auric maelstrom mission with 5 modifiers used to go 87k credits and now its just 57k credits.

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Access mission terminal

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PC - Steam

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There are only two maelstrom conditions that are 87k, Both of them are poxgas. One of them is J-I-II-IV, i cannot remember the other. The rewards have not changed, I-IIs have always been higher than the others due to the complexity involved.


E I III VII, dont ask :rofl: had to check my playlists and discover its been so rare for me, i only got one match recorded to date :man_shrugging:

3vegs are on normal docket reward.