Issue Description:
When a Mutant grabs a player, they generally choose a pathable spot on the ground to throw the player. However, there is no restriction on the height difference between the start and end points. Thus a Mutant is able to throw the player from a very high location to the ground below, dealing an absurd amount of fall damage in the process.
Steps to Reproduce:
Be grabbed by a mutant near a ledge with a large drop and pathable terrain underneath. The easiest place to reproduce is on the drop down onto the refuse pile after the train cars in Chasm Logistratum. The Mutant must grab the player while charging away from the ledge and into the car that enemies drop down from (though the Mutant is also able to turn very quickly in this spot as well so that is not an issue for reproduction; approximately 290 degrees, unknown conditions, possibly unique geometry issues).
Mission Name (If Applicable):
[Steam/Microsoft Store]
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Reproduction Rate:
Common (<50%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]