Seems like “Inventory full” bug still hasn’t been fixed (or has returned after stealth bugfix during the Tower of Treachery update, which as we all know, happens sometimes with VT2 updates).
I have 778\1000 items (counted myself, so I might be mistaken) of weapons\charms\necklaces, excluding cosmetics (both versus and U5), weave weapons, crafting weapons and portrait frames.
Previous topics mentioned supposed backend “upgrade” to the new system (back in the days of ToT update) for selected players, so I’ll include link to my profile (plus maybe I’ve miscalculated the amount of items).
As a side note, Assassin rat animations (when the rat is in the “pounced state” on disabled player) are still misaligned 180 degrees after VS update, I wonder why no one has mentioned it, but let’s start with the important stuff first.
I’ve requested for one of our backend developers to take a look at your account. Due to the holidays, this may not get looked at immediately, but I’ll be back in touch as soon as I have any updates.
It seems your inventory is currently at 1416 /1000, so you are over. However, this is likely due to duplicates cosmetics in your inventory. We have copied cosmetics e.g. skins, portrait frames to a separate data storage, however the original cosmetics still remain in player inventories and need to be cleaned up. This is something we’ll be looking to do for all players sometime in the new year! Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.
Thanks for the quick heads up, I have no problem waiting, we’ve had same issue for months before Tower of Treachery update, but it great to hear that this problem is something you know about!
And btw, thank you for the awesome Community Support, your work is appreciated!