I’ll reserve judgement till I get more clarity.
So many questions:
(1) Does the automatic mastery transfer for existing players only pull from your blessing library or does it pull from blessings on weapons in your inventory too? Basically - should we extract blessings we have on weapons but not in our inventory ahead of this update?
(2) Does anything happen to your existing items/weapons? Do these all remain immediately usable in their current form?
(3) Does weapon mastery work account wide (like the blessing library does currently)? Or does each character have its own mastery progression even for shared weapons?
(4) Do mission rewards, armory exchange, and melk only provide grey items now?
If so - is there anything else to make these rewards/vendors more interesting to compensate?
If not, what happens when you earn a weapon with a blessing you haven’t unlocked in your mastery pool? Is that even possible in the new system? Or can you only be rewarded with things you have mastery of?
(5) Can you still extract blessings from the current weapons we have? What would that do? Add to your mastery?