Impossible Skull Collectible

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

The skull collectible in Ascension Riser 31 is impossible to collect. There must be players on two different elevations so that the lower player can power the elevator for the upper player to reach the skull, but if the first elevator is used, all players are teleported onto it, no matter where they are. This makes it impossible to collect.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play AR31.
  2. Reach the collectible area.
  3. Attempt to earn it.
  4. Voop.

Mission Name (Optional):

Ascension Riser 31

Reproduction Rate (Required):


Platform (Required):

PC - Steam


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Can confirm, had the same problem.

There are multiple topics about this. It’s not impossible to collect, but there’s a bug that makes people teleport into the first elevator if they entered it already.

You need one person to never enter the elevator and stay outside to operate the lever, this person will never get teleported. If everyone went inside already, get out, have someone disconnect/reconnect, and the game will “forget” they went inside (as long as they don’t respawn inside, which is why I said to exit the elevator first).

Super weird behaviour.


U need 3 ppl atleast to bypass it 2 to get the lift to go up 1 to stay far away to nit get pulled in. I had 3 ppl go up and i went down the stairs so i was to far away for it to pull me and we could get the skull. Still needs fixing tho

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