Helbore lasguns not able to half-charge bayonet attack

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There seems to be a bug introduced with the Unlocked And Loaded update that made the Helbore/Lucius Lasguns bayonet melee feel very clunky.
I don’t seem to be able to half-charge the attack anymore, leading to a very clunky experience when trying to fight with it.

I can still spam it, I can still full-charge it just fine. but it’s when I’m in more intense melee combat, and I try to aim my stabs, it will sometimes delay the stab after I let go of the button.
I tried both Mk V and mk IIIa. And both suffer from this bug. The Mk IV seems to not be able to hold the animation at all, and the bug is thus not applicable.

I have no clue if this is a bug, intentional or if it’s just me, But I’m certain it didn’t use to behave this way before the update.

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