FTD: First and Only


oi, where’d you get the cameleoline cloak, chief? I been trying to requisition one of them for a while!

Oh its this weeks “premium” slop isn’t it? Oh boy. Okay I’m stumped.

Possibly for the next big outfit release? We had DKoK last October, we’ve got Enforcers now, so maybe Tanith for the next big one? I was pondering it the other day, as one does, and it made sense to me for Tanith to turn up sooner or later because they’re still rather popular as a regiment.

Yeah absolutely! I kinda heard that mister Abnett is quite protective of his regiment, so figured that might contribute to them not showing up. I mean when you have such a successful series of books, probably gives him some freedom.

But yeah, I mean its just some outfits, quite likely they’ll show up eventually. The ingame logic for how these outfits end up in system protects the lore to a certain extent.

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Guy is using at least one veteran chest piece together with:

The cloak from this psyker chest piece.

And the upper part from this zealot piece (or an other one using the same “hood” part).


Ohhh, with the mod that lets you mix and match! I get it now, thanks.

Yes the title FTD is referring to the mod “for the drip“.


FTD really shows how much better it would be if we could mix and match and change colors.
and how much more they probably would make on the mtx if they sold either materials/patterns or base skins.
and keept retantion by making u unlock one or the other in melks for doing toy weekles


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