Fix your game, stop focusing on random balancing issues

I can honestly say the game is getting progressively worse in terms of performance. I have made this post before and I will make it again, before Christmas break I ran the game pretty much fine with minimal crashes, 1-2 every 4-5 hours. Since Christmas week and then after the game has become a crash fest combined with a hit registration nightmare along with weapon swap issues EVERY other game. I played the game fine when the player base was 20 times+ what it is now, which means you guys have f*cked something up majorly. You either majorly downgraded your servers and didn’t say anything, or the people in charge of patching your game need to be fired ASAP.

Stop worrying about balancing weapons, stop worrying about fixing random BS like a hit marker not showing up for certain weapons. If we can’t PLAY the game to USE the weapons and talents you are BALANCING, what is the f*cking point? I played v2 for a small percentage in comparison to what I played this game and in V2 I never experienced any of the lag issues I am experiencing in this game. Did you guys hire a new dev team consisting of complete and utter imbeciles? I am curious to get a real answer.

Try the experimental beta, it is stable for me. The optimization and performance is garbage and I doubt that it will improve.

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