
Coruscation is more persistent, but Drakegun has more dramatic effect.

Yeah, but you’d have to communicate that with the team. And people probably wouldn’t. It steals THP fodder.

Seemed to do more than that sometimes, but I guess Barkskin does help with that and it’s the most common trait in the game, so it’s not as much of an issue. But I imagine there are things you would not want procced with FF, similar to Gromril - but I can’t recall of any. It’s 3 AM and I’m tired.

It is, though. And that’s because it does well with dense enemies and suffers from the same ailment as OE’s ult - it needs space. Open maps mean you can get flanked easily and then shooting goes to shitter.

With my proposed changes it could still hold edge in chokepoints but also be significantly more versatile in more open environment.

Warcamp does have a good few, unlike something like Against the Grain.
Does he also have the enemy split mutator on Warcamp?

i guess you dont know how hard geheimnisnacht skull + cata + twins is.
also he isnt far behind with elite kills… so no he isnt only killing small fry… dont try to bend things around.

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I dunno. You can clearly see from the video how much more screen spam is coming from the BW compared to Flamethrower.

You don’t have to communicate anything. As with any other ranged weapon spam in the game, look at the health of your team and make a decision whether to spam or not.

I’ve never had an issue with this, or with any of Sienna’s spam.

The weapons that have annoying FF are weapons that do huge amounts of damage, or Bardin spamming teammates with the Torpedo.

It’s also easy to avoid by shooting above teammates.

Don’t really have an issue with this either, I tend to force the fight I want, or wait for difficulty spikes. Unlike pure melee Careers, there’s not a point where I feel completely useless with the Flamethrower.

They can just make a different version of it then, like Darktide.

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you always can gather enemies in front of you you dont need choke points if you have good positioning, so also in open maps it is useful, but maybe not with random players.


thats the biggest problem if a random guy uses it, it really kills hordes damn fast, but if you are coordinated it is pretty strong and excellent vs mixed horde because it deals also a good amount vs elites. On cata + more horde + vanguard it excellent enough stuff around so others arent getting bored and there is always something left to kill and the IB with drakegun dont have to slow down too often.


Yeah, it’s the same problem as people spamming friends with the Torpedo though. Nothing to do with the weapon itself.

I’ve even had Waystalkers on 20% HP, while I’m on 10% HP, ult through my back to kill 2 Infantry.

What the hell are you talking about? I don’t bend anything. I literally said he wasn’t even top 2 elite kills-wise in the team. And he was not. Check the end game stats.

Yes. Coruscation is more persistent, but Drakegun has more dramatic effect.
It’s literally the same I’ve felt about it in-game myself. I don’t have issues seeing stuff through coruscation fire. But maybe I’m different.

True. Except most people who use Drakegun don’t do that. They don’t care and they keep using it and burning THP. But I’ve only met a few. Because almost no one ever uses the weapon. I wonder why…

True, that’d be the best thing to do. I just assumed they would be more likely to rework Drakegun, since it’s an unpopular weapon in the first place.

Definitely not with random players.

I don’t know about that. I don’t have musket, crossbow or MWP players annihilating my THP fodder or constantly dealing FF.

Typical elf. Revive her, she throws two javelins at the back of your head and falls down 10 seconds later.

yeah i know the stats he is 3rd, with an op coruscation staff, and a gk which is literally designed as an elite killer. That doesnt mean that drakegun is bad vs elites otherwise he wouldnt have 102 elite kills and as i said he isnt far behind in killing elites.
and i guess you dont know how much HP those elites have on cata + geheimnisnacht skull otherwise you would know how insane this is.
Go modded select the skull and play it on cata and try to kill them by your own.

Enemies that got buffed by skull have 125% more health(225% in total), deal 25% more damage(125% in total), have 90% more mass(you can cleave way less units), stagger resistance increase by 10%.

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Are you generalising people who equip one weapon now? This applies to all ranged weapons.

Not a reason to completely change something that works fine. They would probably make it feel horrible or power crept to the point where people don’t want to play with ppl using it anyway. E.g. OE

Crossbow RV and MWP can constantly do FF, both can eat THP Hordes, especially with the Hunter build RV.

Again, it’s down to the player.


  • Don’t play with people who do that with any weapon
  • Type one sentence in chat to fix it

I was BH with Repeater Pistol Crit Power build and she enabled PVP.

OH they can just look at the quickfire rightclick masterwork pistol RVs who take the ammo drop talent so they never run out of ammo and deleting mixed hordes in seconds, i died often enough because MWP RV pulled a stormvermin patrol and just destroyed me with quickfire and also destroyed the whole patrol by his own.