thanks for the blog, really helps getting some more insight on the hows and whys and further hammer it into my own gameplay decisions that it boils down to this rock/paper/scissiors mechanics.
and react accordingly.
a tiny fix i’d like to see personally is the dog homing in (in a perfect parabolic curve sometimes) on my ogryn charge, even if i cleared it and gotten a good way while being more than 45° from its initial direction.
i’m fine with dogs as a whole, they way you shove them mid air etc. but a little more relatability and predictability to its course, once its a lift off would reduce frustration quite a bit.
while there are games that offer similar ways of showing what you got, darktide is the perfect “working man’s” game when you simply cant put in the usual 12 hours a day, cause the capitalistic vampire has sunken his teeth into you.
in everything i do i try to excell and improve compared to the matched 1 day/week/month ago and it works.
if i compare my own gameplay backwards i see huge gains in terms of movement, decision making, even reflexes (for it scratches that arena shooter flickshot style and gets the rust off)
then pulling off a proper clutch when 3 others are downed and winning the round makes you feel king of the world.
even carrying proper (and i don’t mean total braindead mates), giving food for thought for those capable of learning gives you a similar “reward”
team shooter or not, up to the highest echelons of professional sports, ego is the main drive to improve, stand out, raise the bar however you want to call it
and personally i rather have one dude on fire in my team when push comes to shove than some slacker smoking emperor knows what.
which gets me to
while i see this as a minor problem, creating a “boring” match, i take that boredom over sheer
moments due to absolute clueless people falling down at every bigger encounter.
and compared to the pool of impressively skilled people, those are by a large factor the majority sadly.
if i was dependand on every
without the means to compensate, I would have left the game long ago for if its one thing i hate is feeling dragged down by mediocricy or even incompetence while i do everything in my power to succeed, even if “it kills me”
by now i got my own title “unfit for auric” in comparison to the “A.S.S” we got recently, that gets “awarded” far to often recently.
having the option to do it yourself if no one else is up to the task is not only logical to keep the game going but the biggest badge of honor to reward a player that goes above and beyond and rightfully is above the cut.
and while its not an active competition, everyone “competes” the moment he performs.
and if he takes any pride in his performance he strifes for being in the front, not finishing last.
yes, the team should succeed, but if the team you got dealt is incompetent and you’re not, you shouldnt be the one to be punished, they should watch in awe and learn a thing or two.
by now i even upload “sloppy” matches in the vain hope people, if not in the heat of things then maybe after being cool headed again, learn from their mistakes if the reflect upon them often enough.
hopeless? maybe, but i can’t accept it in silence while doing nuffin