Darktide 101: Enemy Design and Prototyping - Dev Blog

Love these dev blogs.

I’m interested in why the plasma cannon enemy didn’t get implemented. It looks like it was conceptualized really early in development, even before key mechanics like sliding. I wonder if the idea was re-visited when the game was closer to the finished state, or if it was decidedly cut early on and by that point there would already be enough content to move forward with release.

It’s a really cool concept that I know others in the community have had so it is validating to see it here officially.


all the more thanks for doing so, rashuns earned :+1:

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thanks for the blog, really helps getting some more insight on the hows and whys and further hammer it into my own gameplay decisions that it boils down to this rock/paper/scissiors mechanics.

and react accordingly.

a tiny fix i’d like to see personally is the dog homing in (in a perfect parabolic curve sometimes) on my ogryn charge, even if i cleared it and gotten a good way while being more than 45° from its initial direction.

i’m fine with dogs as a whole, they way you shove them mid air etc. but a little more relatability and predictability to its course, once its a lift off would reduce frustration quite a bit.

:point_up: this.
while there are games that offer similar ways of showing what you got, darktide is the perfect “working man’s” game when you simply cant put in the usual 12 hours a day, cause the capitalistic vampire has sunken his teeth into you.

in everything i do i try to excell and improve compared to the matched 1 day/week/month ago and it works.

if i compare my own gameplay backwards i see huge gains in terms of movement, decision making, even reflexes (for it scratches that arena shooter flickshot style and gets the rust off)

then pulling off a proper clutch when 3 others are downed and winning the round makes you feel king of the world.

even carrying proper (and i don’t mean total braindead mates), giving food for thought for those capable of learning gives you a similar “reward”

team shooter or not, up to the highest echelons of professional sports, ego is the main drive to improve, stand out, raise the bar however you want to call it

and personally i rather have one dude on fire in my team when push comes to shove than some slacker smoking emperor knows what.

which gets me to :point_down:

while i see this as a minor problem, creating a “boring” match, i take that boredom over sheer

moments due to absolute clueless people falling down at every bigger encounter.

and compared to the pool of impressively skilled people, those are by a large factor the majority sadly.

if i was dependand on every


without the means to compensate, I would have left the game long ago for if its one thing i hate is feeling dragged down by mediocricy or even incompetence while i do everything in my power to succeed, even if “it kills me”

by now i got my own title “unfit for auric” in comparison to the “A.S.S” we got recently, that gets “awarded” far to often recently.

having the option to do it yourself if no one else is up to the task is not only logical to keep the game going but the biggest badge of honor to reward a player that goes above and beyond and rightfully is above the cut.

and while its not an active competition, everyone “competes” the moment he performs.
and if he takes any pride in his performance he strifes for being in the front, not finishing last.

yes, the team should succeed, but if the team you got dealt is incompetent and you’re not, you shouldnt be the one to be punished, they should watch in awe and learn a thing or two.

by now i even upload “sloppy” matches in the vain hope people, if not in the heat of things then maybe after being cool headed again, learn from their mistakes if the reflect upon them often enough.

hopeless? maybe, but i can’t accept it in silence while doing nuffin


Really cool how that all came together! Thank you for the insights!

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Back a few months ago when I got a team with a stealth speedrunner agro dumping every enemy and 2 absolute clueless people that you couldn’t keep alive even if you wanted to something broke for me.

The realization that I could easily stay alive solo with my random Zealot build and make progress to follow the speedrunner wasn’t a good experience. I didn’t feel pride, it felt stupid. I had many experiences like that since.

I play this game to over come challenges with other players not to compete with others for who is the best, or the fastest, or how many times I can drag clueless people through the game, like many of you seems to do.

There is obviously a difference between being able to save the day in a sticky situation by ressing others, and the ability to just disregard your teammates and still win even on Auric.

I guess I’m the dumb one wanting to play a co-op game, to cooperate and overcome challenges with others. :person_shrugging:


definately not, but as things on auric maelstrom are right now,

“others” sadly are the challenge you need to overcome because they are hellbend on forcing themselves into difficulties they got no business in for the forseeable future.

if everybody stuck to his competent zone, what you describe could be the normative balance.

but as soon as more unsuited spill over and need to be compensated, not giving the option of compensation makes for a frustrating experience for those putting in the numbers : playtime, effort, motivation.

and this cant be healthy for the game in the long run.

casuals jump ship at the sight of the next hot :poop: , balancing around them for the long haul isnt the way in my opinion.

there are unforgiving coop shooters around where when 1 fails the team fails.

i can only guess whats going on in voice chat when one fkks up.

mothers getting karked and whole bloodlines eradicated till the 100th step nephew :smiling_imp:

right now noobs cost a run could be preVENTable.
you take that option the “venting” WILL find a way, for pressure is building up.

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You aren’t dumb at all for wanting to do that, I just think you are going to be faced with these kinds of games 9/10 times because any dev that wants to appeal to the widest group of people has to take player frustration into consideration.

Playing with randos means a certain level of events will be out of your control, which is never fun for the individual. That’s why Helldivers, Darktide, and DRG can all technically be done solo if the player is good enough.

This is why truly cooperative games like GTFO (which is a great game) never really hit that broader audience, they are fantastic coop experiences, but fuuuuuuuuck ever doing that kinda stuff with randos.

I know some people don’t mind beating their heads against the wall until they get with a group that works, but they are the minority.

Being consistently challenged is fun, being consistently challenged by things outside my control? Pass.


Monty Python | GIFGlobe

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Will there ever be one on the artistic design of the enemies ? Their models and all that ?

And pls ask Eriksson to post his concept arts for the Carnival :people_hugging:


Vermintide 2 didn’t have this problem at all when I used to play it. IDK if it’s because most top players were just doing challenge modes and modded difficulty (because that was available) or because the game was generally more challenging outside of a few really OP builds.

You could run Cata mission or Cata Chaos Wastes and the teamplay and co-dependency was there. Having more than 1 bad player or someone getting killed was a real threat. CW runs would fall apart in less than 5 minutes if there was no proper teamplay, and people running around alone without allies covering them were slapped to the floor pretty quickly.

There were some that were just running alone and could have some success, but it was seen as bad and actively detrimental to mission completion.

In DT I don’t seen any of this. No buddy system so you are never alone, no helping out outside maybe shooting dogs off players, no nothing.

It’s fine to be able to carry games on some difficulties, but is this really so bad to have “insert highest non-gimmick difficulty” where teamplay is actually required?

I was frustrated before by the utter uselessness of teammates in let’s say I-II-V-E-G Maelstrom, where I did get around 8-9 teams of absolutely clueless people that made the game fail in 3 minutes, and I would definitely put up with that if I could get back the high of the 10th game after that with a good team, with actual team play. (Montrous Maelstrom was bugged back then and spawned bosses with full HP making it very challenging and enjoyable.)


That’s fair, maybe the next rework we’ll get is the difficulty rework, hahaha.


But but, Muh I GiTted GUd and CaRRied like I was told to! I don’t see the appeal, I guess it’s an ego thing for them. It seems like a hollow accomplishment to me.

The community also policed itself better, had standards because it required actual teamwork to win.
You also had a small but big-enough number of players who weren’t present, they had their own realm.

Furthermore, the broader appeal of WH40K brough in others of questionable character, so all these reasons and a hardest diffs balanced around half (2/4) a team made for a perfect storm.

You could potentially go back to the “actual teamwork required” mode in DT2, but the community would have the wake the grut up and do its part as well as FS. There would likely be an outpouring of salt and vitriol that would create a new chaos god in the warp.

P.S. Damn Auric Maelstrom is where the even worse players congregate, for some silly reason. Fresh 30 with random unmodded blue gear? Off to the Maels you go!


Slowly but surely progressing past beta-testing! :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for sharing this, very cool dev blog :+1:

And it worked, kudos to the combat team :wink:


Bye, I guess?

Imagine complaining about counterplay for disablers existing.

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I have 0 idea how you came to the conclusion that I’m complaining about having counterplay against disablers.

That’s literally the part you responded to. Clutch ability/skill expression/ insert other buzzword for “not completely screwed the moment your third teammate gets pounced/netted/bumped off a ledge and you hear that trapper spawn”

That’s the section you quoted.

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Have you read what I quoted? The thing about staying alive completely alone? Seesh…

My problem isn’t that you can shoot down a special or push a dog. It’s that the current balance of everyone is can tackle any situation alone (and easily) is intended design, leading to very toxic playstyles even on the hardest difficulties, which goes very much against the design decisions seen in beta and at release. It was an absolute shock frankly.

I don’t even know why I’m writing this down again btw.

I am not a Reject. Neither do i have a humiliation fetish, nor is my character reading your design blogs. As such i do not appreciate being called a Reject. I am a customer.

And need i remind you that your own story promotes everyone, at level 30, to Acolytes. So even if you weren’t going for the fetish content about trying to insult your player base, the vast majority of your players probably play Acolytes and long stopped being Rejects.

Of course, you can continue to try and insult your player base like this. And i will continue to point out that i object to this.

One of the coolest things in DT, looks spectacular, wish it were utilized more.

Ogryn as a charge is cool tho, it’s kinda what you would expect. I have a dissonance cause of how player ogryn vs mob ogryns act. Maybe one day we will see ogryn special enemey?

Cause stright up bad players were gated in V2, and for casuals there were no motivation to play Cata cause no additional reward. You pay for Cata with your money, so you either you are a big fan or will end to become better at the game.

Yeah, cause in DT every class is heavily versatile without any consequences - strong range, strong melee, toughness farm, anti special. You can be jack of all trades and master of everything. The only difference is some lacks of strong antiboss tools, but that’s it. And sadly it’s to late to change it, maybe CDR farm nerf will help.

It’s probably was doomed to be so at the moment they decided you can have duplicate classes in a run. Cause class specialization is the thing that brings that expirience of you and your teammates are gears connected to each other.

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